Welcome to our range of Rotafix high performance coatings.
Rotafix coatings are solvent and VOC free making them safer for you when you are applying these products in areas such as confined places where ventilation is limited.
Our products are all water based making them suitable for marine and aquatic environments where there is a requirement to protect wildlife.
For full information on the coatings please download the data sheets where information such as coverage, how to apply the coatings and the performance data. For information about health and safety please visit www.rotafix.co.uk or contact our technical support team.
Rotafix coatings have been extensively used in conjunction with our range of cement based products to create a system for repair and construction.
Our technical team are available to assist in the design of coating solutions using our range of products, so please feel free to give us a call, we will be happy to assist.